Sam Taylor
Dog Bar Breakwater in Gloucester Massachusetts. The Dog Bar is a great place. Sticking out into the ocean for more then a quarter mile and paved with gigantic granite paving stones, the Dog Bar offers some measure of protection to Gloucester and the Harbor that lies within from the temperamental waters of the Atlantic. A prime time to check it out is at night when the moon is full and Dog Boys from near and far gather there to howl at the moon and exchange dog tales. For many years I lived in Gloucester and made pottery there.
And for many years, each month when the moon was full, in fair weather and in foul, I trekked out to the end of the Dog Bar. Since moving away from Gloucester, I am not always able get to the Dog Bar for the full moon. Occasionally I am able to lure Dog Boys out to my pottery in Westhampton, Massachusetts. We have no ocean and we have no breakwater but it's pretty nice out here anyway. We are located between the Connecticut River Valley and the hills of the Berkshire mountains. The Dog Bar Pottery is within 15 minutes of Northampton MA, close to town but still in the country. We are on the North Branch of the Manhan River so when you come see us, bring a bathing suit or a fishing rod or an extra pair of shoes, or, if you know any; a dog tale.
35 Perry Hill Road Extension,
Westhampton, MA 01027